Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The white tailed spider

My Reflection
I have been learning to skim and scam non-fiction texts to find and summaries information.  we read a story about white-tailed spiders.  we had to find facts from the texts and summaries them.  I found this easy because all you have to do is work out the questions.  My next steps are to keep learning skimming and skimming. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Making and Justifying Inferences - After the High Tide

After the High Tide!
by Dawn McMillan (Gold)

WALT make and justify inferences
  • I am beginning to link implicit information from the text to make an inference
  • I can use explicit language from the text to justify inferences
  • I can identify and describe what the author wanted me to feel, think about or see in the text

Answer the following questions using full answer.
Why does Cody have an artificial leg?
Cody has an artificial leg because he was in car crash
Why do you think Theo’s Dad was going fishing too?
because he
Why do you think Cody wanted to keep the trip a secret?
so he can spise him
Did the lucky chair help Theo catch the fish?  Why?
yes because when the dad said “Time to go home now” and then he cached a fish

Are these statements true or false?

Theo wanted to play football too.                                                             True/False
It is a good time to go fishing when the tide is out.                                  True/False
Theo’s Dad doesn’t like fishing.                                                                True/False
Cody and Theo have known each other since they were 4 years old.     True/False  

Use the dictionary app to find the meaning of the following words:
comfortable (pg 19)
good feeling
amazement (pg 20)
amazed by entertainment
artificial (pg 2)
fake; imitation
injured (pg 2)
cause harm of any kind

Making 10 to solve addition problems

My Reflection

I have been learning to make 10 to solve simple addition problems.  I found this easy because all you have to do is work out it.  My next steps is to use this strategy to solve harder problems.

Persuasive Speech Research Popplet

My Reflection
I have been learning to find information about my speech topic.  I used Instagrok and other websites to research my speech topic which is Pets should be allowed at school.  I found this interesting because you can bring maths and science to life by keeping a class pet. My next steps is to plan my speech.

Features of Persuasive writing

My Reflection
we have been learning find the features of persuasive writing. I found this easy because all you had to do is click the arrows to the things . I learnt what a rhetorical questions. My next step is to write my own persuasive speech