Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Word Investigation

my refletion I am learning to do a word investigation. I was able to solve all of them.I found this easy because we got a piece of paper the day be for we read a book called The Amazing Human.my next step is to do some thing a little harder

My speech

My Reflection 
I am learning to write a speech about bullying. I was able to write a good speech about bullying. I found it a bit hard because i had to think about why bullying is bad and write really good reasons about it. My next step is to write a speech about why you need a friends.

Retelling a story by finding and summarising the main events

I am learning to find and summarise information by retelling main events in a text. I was able to order and sequence events in the text.I found this hard because I had to find out the ways to the characters and the problem. my next step is to do a deferent book

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Stanly Yelnats Bio Poem

We are learning to relate to characters in the text to understand their purpose.
I was able to understand the task.
I found this easy because you I knew Stanley well after reading the story.